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If you were involved in the original production of Toonstruck, or you’d like to help out with bringing the game to fruition, please get in touch.

If you’re a fan of the game, please tell us about your experience and why you’d like to see Toonstruck 2 in the comments section below. Don’t forget to check out our mini-games.

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21 days ago

i enjoyed toonstruck so much, i would love to see part 2

30 days ago

Go on folks!!! Let’s make this happen. I would absolutly love it.

1 month ago

took me 9 minutes and 6 seconds to do the puzzle, gosh, I was like 4 playing this game on my Dad’s IBM. I just downlaoded it on steam, I’m just suprised theres so much content we have yet to recieve let alone closure on it all! Please we need a ToonStruck 2!

2 months ago

I absolutely love Toonstruck, and it would make me and many people so happy, if Toonstruck 2 is actually released. Even a remaster of Toonstruck 1 would be a good start! I have a ongoing petition with over 500+ signatures, and if anyone wants to show support to Keith Arem, then please check the petition out, and sign it, if you want.

2 months ago

Are there any updates on this? I hope it happens one day

3 months ago

Hope they will release the 2nd part.

Baked Linguini
Baked Linguini
6 months ago

I got Toonstruck as a kid, but never got far in it. Later in adulthood, I saw the game on Steam and knew I had to buy it. I recently played through the entire game, streaming it on my youtube, rumble, and twitch channels. While playing the game, I was reminded of how much I love/miss 2D point and click adventure games. Though they may be challenging, you feel a sense of accomplishment when you finally solve that puzzle that has stumped you. Toonstruck is a very funny and entertaining game. There’s no other game where you can play as Doc Brown and have Homer Simpson as your companion. I really enjoyed the ‘Who framed Roger Rabbit?” style world. You can’t find well-written games like this today. I found the game to be hilarious and enjoyed the risqué humor. Those jokes wouldn’t fly today though unfortunately, but that’s why I love this game even more. I happen to stumble across this website after finishing my playthrough of the game. I was surprised by how the game ended and disappointed to find out that a sequel was never released. I hope that someday soon, we will see a Toonstruck 2. I am a full supporter for this. I want to be able to save Elmer from the glue factory.

Cody San Clemente
Cody San Clemente
8 months ago

Just downloaded it on Steam and playing it on my Steam Deck. It works perfectly. I don’t even know where to start with this game because it holds such a big place in my heart. I’ve played it back when it came out and many times through the years since. This game even many years later is still so fun to play. Especially as an adult paying attention more to the conversations you have with everyone. I always come back to this game looking for new information on it on the internet hoping we get something like a remastered in hopes to get people to play it who didn’t get to experience it back in the 90’s, in hopes we do get enough support for a 2nd one. Not sure how long this page has been here, but I’m happy I ran into it to see there is still some people out there trying.

9 months ago

How far along are you with the project?

10 months ago

I first played Toonstruck when I was 10. I love the complete zanyness and wacky characters. I was so excited after finishing it and looking forward to part 2. So disappointed when I found that it wasn’t made.

11 months ago

I’ve found this website after a heartfelt conversation with dear friend of mine. we remembered the good old days, when my mate had a gamer pc and his dad use to purchase him only adventure games to cultivate logic (if he only knew). one of them used to be Toonstruck. we tried to finish it together, our failed attempts became moments of shared laughter. Now we are 35, we don’t communicate as much as we used to, we live it different countries with wives and kids. The prospect of passing down this nostalgic tale to our little ones feels like a tender connection to our past. Please make it happen

11 months ago

I absolutely loved this game! I so wish they would make the part 2. I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Brandon and Dylan
Brandon and Dylan
1 year ago

My friend and I just completed Toonstruck on Steam, working together to solve the puzzles (and still struggling to do so). We were both born one year after the original release of the game and so never had a chance to play it when it came out. Thankfully we were able to make up for lost time some 26 years later. Both of us grew up on the old point and click adventure games so it was really special getting to relive that part of our childhood. We enjoyed it immensely and truly hope that we might someday play through the sequel. We wanted to thank any members of the original team who might read this, as well as anyone new helping to make the sequel come to life. We’ll be watching for any word in the future!

Trinity Warrior
Trinity Warrior
1 year ago

Hello ToonStruck Fans! Just finished “ToonStruck” again years later on “Steam.” I’ve owned the original game since the 90s and it’s still in good condition. I was hoping that the sequel would’ve been on Steam, but just found out that the creators are still looking for folks to help revive the sequel which. I am hoping. Once it’s revived, I am praying it’s on Steam so that we all can play a long awaited “ToonStruck 2.” I hope that each and every hard working developer finds who they need to complete this project. Thank you for not giving up on this priceless game. Stay priceless!

1 year ago

Best quest-game ever! I`ve bought steam version today 🙂
I was about 13 years old, and when i saw this game for the first time, I was shocked! Besides, it still looks great today, wish it were HD!!! 🙂

1 year ago

The first time I’ve played Toonstruck must have been about 25 years ago. It was included in a games bundle called ‘Gold Games’. The experience was rather funny and exciting until I got to the damn clown door, which I wasn’t able to solve back in the day. So, I sold the whole thing on a yard sale. Now just a few weeks ago I decided to give the game a new try and bought a copy of GOG. I must say it felt great to relive those moments and enjoy the game in it’s original language which gives the jokes an even better atmosphere. It would be great to see a remastered version for todays audience and hopefully the long awaited successor.
Fingers crossed!

Last edited 1 year ago by Kai
1 year ago

Un gran juego, un clasico que necesita su segunda parte. Ojala algun dia sea posible. Saludos desde Argentina!

1 year ago

This is still such an amazing game.
I’ve just finished playing thru it on the steam scumm version. Would love to see this reincarnated or continued.
Would love to help in any way possible. Running a small software development company in Sweden and would love to help if I can.

Greg M
Greg M
1 year ago

I’d first heard of Toonstruck through YouTube, since though I’m an Autistic 90s kid who loves computers and adventure games, it flew under the radar.
Thanks to, I played and finished it just last week, and I agree with many that it deserves a follow-up considering what got cut in development.

Considering what the animation market is today, and with the passing of Christopher Lloyd, a return to 2D Animation would be essential for this sequel, although a CGI part of the toon world would fit that.

PS: Anyone heard of Stay Tooned? It came out in the exact same year, but it’s actually even darker than Toonstruck, believe it or not.

1 year ago

I just saw an announcement of the new broken sword game which immediately got me reminiscing about my childhood. There was a time where my sister showed me all these games. And of course toonstruck came to mind.

I am currently 26 years old and study visual computing and design. Gradually, I am learning about all these projects by people who have literally shaped my childhood. Suddenly, they are not just memories of the joy of video games but tangible pieces of history.
Through my studies, I am increasingly getting in touch with this industry, and somehow, it feels surreal. I would absolutely love to be involved in the development and contribute as an aspiring CG artist wherever I can.

Ronny B
Ronny B
1 year ago

I grew up with point and click adventures. And Toonstruck was among my favourites.
I’ve already gotten Monkey Island games, and would love to havea remaster and a squel to Toonstruck.

Even though the old game looks terrible this day of age, it is still fun to play.

I revist my old point and click games atleast once a year.
I just finished Discworld again, and DOTT. So I guess Toonstruck is next 😀

I would love to help anyway I can, but other thant writing here and buying the games. IDK what I can do 🙂

Please Continue remaster this old jewel <3

Der Maschnist
Der Maschnist
1 year ago

I’ve played this game a million times as a kid and just finished a playthrough. Like always when I finish this I look for toonstruck 2 news, knowing fully well that there is nothing before checking. I Just wanted to say that this website gave me a smile. The title animation is amazing.

1 year ago

Hello from Scotland!

I have been playing this game ever since I was in my teens. It is one of my best childhood memories of any game I have ever played. I have just finished playing it again on Steam at the age of 36 and it never gets old! It would be absolutely amazing to see it remastered and play the second part. Thank you for all that you are doing and I will support in any way that I can!!

-big Toonstruck fan

Monsieur Mongoose
Monsieur Mongoose
1 year ago

Hey there, from Canada!

Gotta say, Toonstruck was a big part of my gaming childhood. I loved everything about it – the crazy art, the jokes, the story… played it so many times, and it just gets better with each run.

These days, I’m making games myself and Toonstruck’s still a big influence. The way it made such a cool world with fun characters and tricky puzzles – it’s the kind of stuff I wanna put in my own games.
With all these old games getting sequels and remasters, why not Toonstruck 2? Now’s a good time, especially with Steam and making it easy for new players to find it.

I can’t wait for Toonstruck 2 to be a thing. I’m all in to help make that happen. Big thanks to everyone who made the first game and those keeping Toonstruck going. You guys rock!

-A Toonstruck fan in Canada

1 year ago

I just finished my fifth playthrough of Toonstruck thanks to my little sister who downloaded it on to her computer for me for my birthday. I been a fan since the beginning. When I didn’t a working copy of the game a would watch a play through on YouTube just to get my fix. I really hope part 2 becomes a reality some day. ????

1 year ago

Back in good old DOS times on my 386, ToonStruck was my very first game on CD.
As 12y old boy I really loved this game. It is the only one that I still keep in a drawer to pull it out from time to time to play again.
Even my wife, that has not grown up with computer and video game classics loves it enough to play it twice!
If there ever is a toostruck2 that completes the story of toonstruck1, you can be sure to have my money on it 🙂
This was one of the greatest adventures I ever played. So sad that it never got the attention it deserved … (not my fault, I tell people in games discussions about toonstruck, if they want to hear it or not 😉 )

1 year ago

I recently have been getting really into fmv games. I am absolutely in love with the style and toonstruck caught my attention this last month. It has been the #1 best fmv game I’ve played so far out of the list I’ve played. I can’t see it being topped. I would gladly pay any amount to get Toonstruck recreated AND toonstruck 2 to be made. Fmv/point and click games deserve to come back in a big way! Thanks to everyone helping possibly make some if this a reality!

1 year ago

Hello from Denmark. I played this game as a kid (32 now). I loved the wacky humour of it and I still to this day think it was a very unique game. Some might say a part of it is nostalgia, but I believe I can separate myself from that and say that it was genuinely a very good game filled with humour, surrealism, surprise, and story. Everything in my life has changed dramatically since I was a kid playing this game, but for some reason Toonstruck still has a place in my heart and I still, from time to time, like today, check up to see if there has been progress on Toonstruck 2. I hope this testimonial helps bring awareness so hopefully skilled artists and wacky minds, perhaps some of the original team from Toonstruck 1, can make a Toonstruck 2. – Rasmus

bobby nafisi
bobby nafisi
1 year ago

i always love toonstruck i hope when the squel comes out i want to be the frist to play i what to see the carvtie world of toonstruck

Johnny Walker
Johnny Walker
2 years ago

This is a very impressive website. It sounds like the legal difficulties are the biggest hurdle, but whoever owns the rights would surely be happy for the opportunity for some cash? Where are they now?

One request: Could you add a main nav? The idea of the game’s icon in the bottom left hand corner is cute… but I totally missed it. A burger nav in the top right hand corner will work far better!

2 years ago
Reply to  Johnny Walker

The legal hurdles are hopefully in the rear-view. There’s a large untapped audience for the remaster. Finding a publisher that recognises that is one of the new challenges. Fully establishing how far advances in tech can help with the game is also a big task, but an important one as it will dictate what sort of developers are needed to get it over the line. Obviously continued fan support and interest too. It’s not going to happen overnight.

2 years ago

I absolutely love Toonstruck! Every time I play through it, I always want more. I really hope that one day soon we’ll finally get to enjoy the last part of the adventure with Drew and Flux. Out of any series of classic point n’ clicks that got a remaster or a new game in the series, this is one that I fully believe deserves it’s sequel more than any! I know Toonstruck didn’t do well due to marketing, and I guess in 1996, it had to compete against FPS games. But now in 2023 thanks to Steam and, Toonstruck has life again, and it is being played by a whole new generation of fans, and I believe that Toonstruck 2 will definitely do well now, but we really need whomever has the rights, to make it happen.
So I have here a link to a petition I setup, that I hope helps support Keith Arem in making Toonstruck 2 a reality!

Mr Robot
Mr Robot
2 years ago

I missed Flux on the second CD. I wonder if it was ever the intention to have him along?

Lee Dunning
Lee Dunning
2 years ago

Its been mentioned that part of Toonstrucks downfall was the lack of marketing to promote the game but as you can see from the attached pic, i still have PC Formats cover disc with the demo on and if it wasnt for this demo, id never have bought it.

I loved this game and played it when it first came out back when i wasnt aware of internet game walkthroughs etc, and so i recall gettin as far as reachin zanydu and gettin stuck. I was at university and took the game to my mates student accommodation and we stayed up all night and finally completed the game. I remember gettin stuck on the maya bird book order section and i still dont know how we beat it. Prob blind luck as i still recall struggling to understand each phrase to solve it.

Its been a while since i last played it and the idea of a remastered version appearing hopefully on consoles is fantastic. One dream was made real last year when the original quake finally came to xbox to to have toonstruck do the same would be great. As mentioned, weve had day of the tentacle and a new monkey island game, and weve also had a remastered grim fandango and with point and click games like the artifex mundi range, they are becoming increasingly popular. Ill keep my fingers crossed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Dunning

The book puzzle was tough, but I remember the phone quiz being the most difficult on first playthrough. I had to visit all the areas it asked about and make notes, then when I got back to the pub and called again, some of the questions had changed. Rinse and repeat three or four times and I’m sure I had them all right but I kept getting caught out by which shoulder of the toilet gauard they were talking about, my right or his right?!

2 years ago

There’s a moose!

2 years ago

My dad introduced me and my brother to point and click games in the 90s and I’ve loved the genre ever since. For me, Toonstruck hit that perfect balance between challenging puzzles, dry humour, and a compelling story. I still get anxiety to this day when I hand over the care crow’s new outfit!! Legendary.

2 years ago

Toonstruck is still one of my favorite games, cartoons, the humor, just everything about it. I always drew the characters when I was small and now I draw lots of other stuff, partially because of Toonstruck, so I’d love to help if I can.

2 years ago

It’s been a long wait for this – figured I’d be playing it as a head in glass jar on a spaceship orbiting mars.

Spike (Professional Comedian for Hire)
Spike (Professional Comedian for Hire)
2 years ago


2 years ago

No thank you, sir

2 years ago

Drew, we’re in deep doo doo! 

2 years ago
Reply to  Flux-W

We are?!

2 years ago

Nefarious and Fluffy, they’re still alive – you gotta help us!

2 years ago
Reply to  Flux-W

I’ll do it, but wait wait, how will I get there?

2 years ago

Well, thanks to Nefarious’s Mutagen Ink, that’s not going to be a problem!

2 years ago
Reply to  Flux-W

It isn’t?!

2 years ago


M. Marge
M. Marge
2 years ago

Mince my meat!

2 years ago
Reply to  M. Marge

I’m a baaaaaad sheep!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pun1sherPol96

Whip my cream!